Hello there! So as you can all tell it’s getting a lot colder and wetter and we all just want to be inside with a hot choccie getting warm! This my absolute favorite time of year, it’s close to Christmas everyone is feeling festive and happy, hoping for the snow to fall so you can build a snowman then going inside having a lovely warm bath and cosy-ing up in your favorite jumper next to the fire with a Christmas film – ah what a dream!

Although it may not be snowing just yet, this is exactly what I’ll be doing tonight. Getting home from work and just chilling out with lots of food,blankets and TV is the perfect way to start your weekend, and I’ve found some lovely jubbly things to help you enjoy you night in! –


A yummy hot chocolate(or 2!)  to warm your bones


A couple of slabs of chocolate just to fill your tummy!





No bath is complete without a bath bomb!

These are just a few of my absolute fave things to do when I’m having a cosy night in! I hope you enjoy them just as much as me 🙂

L x